Coal and gas pollution poisons us and our planet.

Coal and gas pollution poisons us and our planet.

We all want to live in a healthy community, where we breathe clean air, have fresh water to drink, and eat nourishing food. But toxins from coal and gas pollution are destroying our planet and making us sick. We know particles released from coal plants kill more than 3,000 people in the U.S. each year, and cost more than $6.1 billion for healthcare for those affected by them.

Does Coal Affect You and Where You Live?

It Damages Your Health.

As coal and gas plants produce power, they also produce toxic pollutants that can cause a range of…

Learn the risks to your health

It Hurts Our Environment

From the land we live on, to the water we drink, to the air we breathe, coal and gas poisons every…

Discover the effects of coal pollution

See Where Coal Affects You

We are in the midst of an historic transition: we are working toward a future where all communities…

Are there still plants near you?
Join Us In The Fight Against Dirty Coal and Gas

Stories of the Impact of Coal

Coal 101

From mining, to burning, to disposal, coal wreaks havoc on our health and our planet. Learn what’s driving our efforts to move to clean energy.

Learn the facts

The Land I Trust: Our Coal Podcast

Stories of climate change, nature, and clean energy from storytellers who live around the country. Season three available now!

Listen now

The People Affected by Coal

Meet the activists as they share their stories of community, clean energy, and connection to home in more detail than is offered in each podcast episode.

Hear their stories